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FSSAI License in India

Start your journey towards food business success today by unlocking the door with an FSSAI license! With this vital certification in hand, you can take your business to new heights of achievement and recognition. Don’t wait any longer to get started – take the first step now and see the benefits for yourself!

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How much it cost to get FSSAI License in India?

The price of getting a FSSAI license from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) will vary as per several criteria, including

  • Business Type
  • Size of the firm
  • State licenses, central licenses,

Registration costs are also subject to change, Offering all-inclusive Licensing services in India, we understand these complexities and offers a comprehensive cost calculator. This tool provides a transparent estimation of all expenses involved in getting your FSSAI License.

FSSAI License Cost Calculator

What is FSSAI License?

The FSSAI license is a mandatory requirement for individual or entity operating in the food industry, including those starting a food stall, restaurant, bakery, hotel, or cloud kitchen in India. All Food Business Operators (FBOs), encompassing manufacturers, preparers, sellers, transporters, distributors, and food item storers, must register with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to conduct business.

The FSSAI, which stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, is the regulatory body overseeing the entire food industry in India. Established as an independent organization within the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India, it ensures the quality of food provided to consumers. FBO owners submit an application for an FSSAI license through the FSSAI website to adhere to food quality standards.

Enacted in 2006, the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSS Act) serves as the legal framework for food safety and regulation in India. It mandates quality inspections for food products, thereby reducing instances of adulteration and the sale of substandard goods. Additionally, the FSS Act outlines operational guidelines for the Indian food industry and oversees the registration and licensing of FBOs nationwide. At CertificationsBay, we provide assistance in obtaining FSSAI licenses in India to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Types of FSSAI License in India

The categorization of FSSAI licenses is determined by the type of business, sales, and manufacturing capacity of Food Business Operators (FBOs). Based on their production capacity and turnover, FBOs qualify for licenses such as Basic, State, and Central licenses.

Basic FSSAI Registration: FBOs with an annual turnover of less than Rs. 12 lakh are mandated to obtain Basic FSSAI Registration. The application process involves filling and submitting Form A to acquire Basic FSSAI Registration.
State FSSAI Food License: FBOs generating annual revenue between Rs. 12 lakh and Rs. 20 crore are obligated to apply for a State FSSAI Food License. To obtain this license, applicants need to complete and submit Form B.
Central FSSAI License: FBOs with an annual turnover exceeding Rs. 20 crore must apply for a Central FSSAI License. Acquiring a Central FSSAI License involves completing and submitting Form B.

FSSAI Registration Eligibility

All Food Business Operators (FBOs) functioning within the small-scale food industry are required to obtain an FSSAI Registration, which serves as a foundational license. This category encompasses the following entities:

  • FBOs with an annual revenue not exceeding Rs. 12 lakh.
  • Small-scale vendors offering food items.
  • Individuals engaged in the independent production or marketing of any food item.
  • Operators managing temporary food stands.
  • Individuals serving meals at social or religious events, excluding caterers.
  • Cottage or small-scale businesses involved in the food industry.

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Advantage of Obtaining a FSSAI License in India

Obtaining a FSSAI license in India offers several advantages:

  • Enhance consumer awareness regarding food safety standards.
  • Utilize the FSSAI logo to build trust and goodwill among customers.
  • Establish scientifically-based principles for food production and distribution.
  • Exercise control over the production, distribution, import, and storage of food items.
  • Promote food safety practices throughout the industry.
  • Encourage research and development initiatives to ensure food safety.
  • Implement new regulations that align with international standards and best practices.
  • Base policy-making on evidence-based research to enhance food safety standards.
  • Unlock opportunities for business growth and expansion within the food industry.

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Who Needs FSSAI License or FSSAI Registration in India?

The FSSAI License or Registration is required for Food Business Operators (FBOs) operating the following types of food businesses

  • Cafeterias and canteens, which include those for midday meals.
  • Processing of fish, meat, and units in slaughterhouses.
  • Dairy Units: Petty Milkmen, Milk Vendors, and Milk Chilling Units.
  • Food available at Dhaba, PG, a banquet facility with catering services, a home-based canteen, and food booths at fairs and religious establishments.
  • Food products and ingredient importers and exporters.
  • Bars, Hotels, and Restaurants.
  • Food product transporter with several specialized vehicles, including food trucks, insulated refrigerated vans and wagons, milk tankers, and so on.
  • Refrigerated or cold storage space.
  • Food Distributors and Providers.
  • Units for Processing Vegetable Oil.
  • Foods that are unique and exclusive.
  • Food product distributors, suppliers, wholesalers, and marketers.
  • Petty sellers, retail stores, snack shops, bakeries or confectioneries, etc.
  • Online food vendors, such as cloud kitchens.
  • The storage, preparation, distribution, and sale of food items are done at food establishments, temporary booths, and permanent stalls.
  • Every food manufacturing facility comprises repackaging food.

How can we assist to get your FSSAI  License?

CertificatonsBay has a team of legal professionals who can help you obtain FSSAI License. Connect with CertificationsBay today to avail our quality services.

How to Obtain FSSAI License in India:

Follow the steps below to get your FSSAI License/ FSSAI Registration in india.

Documents Required for FSSAI License or Registration

To obtain an FSSAI license or registration, food business owners must submit the following documents:

Documents for New FSSAI Registration Certificate:

  1. Photograph of the applicant.
  2. Government-issued photo ID of the applicant.
  3. Proof of business address.

Documents required for License or Registration Modifications:

Modifications to existing FSSAI license or registration records require the following documents:

  1. Certificate confirming adoption of the Food Safety Management System.
  2. Medical fitness certificates for all employees.
  3. Detailed information on technical staff overseeing the process.

Documents Required for FSSAI License or Registration Renewal:

To renew an existing FSSAI license or registration, the following documents are necessary:

  1. Any modifications to previously submitted records or data.

Documents for State/Central FSSAI License:

Documents Requirements for  State/Central FSSAI License, the following documents are required:

  1. Form – B.
  2. Proof of address for the production site.
  3. Production site layout.
  4. Proof of rent for the premises.
  5. Business License.
  6. Factory license, if applicable.
  7. Contact information for partners, directors, members, and other key personnel.
  8. Proof of identity and address for signatories or management.
  9. Water testing report from a licensed laboratory.
  10. Form IX (if the company owner designates you).
  11. NOC from the producer.
  12. List of menu items.
  13. Plan for managing food safety.

Our Team will help you prepare the required documents. Documents requirements varies depending on business model. Contact our team for guidance.

How to Check the FSSAI Registration Status

Throughout the FSSAI application process, applicants receive email or SMS alerts at various stages. Additionally, applicants can track their FSSAI registration status by entering the application reference number provided after submission on the FoSCoS website’s “Track Application Status” button.

Monitoring the application status allows individuals to follow the progression of their FSSAI registration. If the authorities have returned the application for necessary changes or clarifications, the status will indicate “Application Reverted.” To avoid application rejection, applicants must provide a valid response within 30 days from the date of reversal.

Once the FSSAI authorities issue the registration certificate, the status will change to “Registration Certificate Issued.” Applicants can then download the certificate from the FoSCoS website.

Procedure for Obtaining FSSAI License Online

The process for obtaining an FSSAI license or registration is outlined below:

  1. Small Food Business Application:

    • Small Food Business Operators (FBOs) must apply and register with the Registering Authority (RA) as per Schedule 2 of FSSAI rules.
    • Submission of registration form (Form A) along with the standard cost specified in Schedule 3 is required.
  2. Compliance with Safety Standards:

    • Small food businesses in India are required to adhere to fundamental safety and hygiene standards listed in Part I of Schedule 4 of FSSAI standards.
    • FBOs must provide a self-attested statement of conformity to these standards using the specified format in Annexure-1 under Schedule.
  3. Application Review and Inspection:

    • Within seven days of receiving the registration form, the Registering Authority (RA) will review it and make a decision.
    • The RA may approve the FSSAI license or registration, cancel it with specific documented reasons, or schedule an inspection.
  4. Inspection and Approval:

    • If an inspection is conducted, the RA will grant registration once they are satisfied that the facilities meet basic safety, hygiene, and sanitation requirements within 30 days.
    • The business owner may commence operations if registration is granted or if no decision is communicated within the specified timeframes.
  5. Compliance and Documentation:

    • FBOs must comply with any improvement directives issued by the RA, even after registration.
    • Registration cannot be denied without providing the applicant with an opportunity to be heard, and the refusal must be documented in writing.
  6. Issuance of Registration Certificate:

    • Upon approval, the RA will provide a picture ID card and a registration certificate to the FBO.
    • The certificate must be displayed at all times at the business premises, on carts, vehicles, or any other location.
  7. Annual Inspection:

    • The registered business location must undergo inspection at least once a year by the RA or any other approved organization for compliance verification.

Difference between FSSAI Registration and FSSAI License

While FSSAI registration and FSSAI license may seem similar, their usage varies depending on the nature and scale of the business. Let’s delve into the distinctions:

CriteriaFSSAI RegistrationFSSAI License
ApplicabilitySmall-scale food businessesMedium and large-scale food businesses
TurnoverRequired for businesses with an annual turnover of up to ₹12 lakhsRequired for businesses with an annual turnover of more than ₹12 lakhs
ScopeLimited to a specific local areaAllows activities across the country
StringencyLess stringentMore comprehensive and mandatory
ValidityValid for five yearsThe license is valid for five years

In essence, FSSAI registration caters to small-scale food businesses with a turnover below ₹12 lakhs, while the FSSAI license is mandatory for medium and large-scale food businesses with turnovers exceeding ₹12 lakhs. The license offers broader scope and stricter compliance requirements, compared to the registration, and is valid for the same duration of five years.

How can CertificationsBay assist to get your FSSAI License/ FSSAI Registration?

CertificationsBay serves as your comprehensive platform, addressing all legal and financial needs and connecting you with reliable professionals. Clients who seek assistance from CertificationsBay express satisfaction with our legal services, highlighting our commitment to simplifying complex legal requirements. We consistently receive positive feedback and ensure a structured briefing process.

Clients can easily track the progress of their requests on our platform at all times. Should clients have any queries regarding the process of obtaining FSSAI License, our representatives at CertificationsBay are readily available via phone call. We prioritize positive and seamless communication with our clients, ensuring a smooth experience throughout.

Here’s how CertificationsBay can assist you:

  • Schedule a free call back.
  • Make Payment.
  • Add Queries Regarding FSSAI License
  • Provide Documents to CertificationsBay Experts
  • Prepare Application for FSSAI License
  • Complete Procedural Actions
  • Let CertificationsBay handle your requirements for end-to-end support.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Individuals holding food safety licenses and registrations are obligated to adhere to the regulations stipulated in the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006, which mandates an FSSAI license for all food businesses in India. Regular inspections of food business operators’ facilities are conducted by food safety officers, who utilize a checklist to assess compliance with regulations. The degree of compliance is classified as follows:

– Compliance (C)
– Non-compliance (NC)
– Partial compliance (PC)
– Not applicable/Not observed (NA)

In instances of non-compliance, food safety officers may issue improvement notices in accordance with Section 32 of the FSS Act of 2006. Following an opportunity for the licensee to provide an explanation, the officer possesses the authority to revoke the license if the improvement notice is disregarded. Operators of food companies have the right to contest improvement notices by lodging complaints with the State Commissioner of Food Safety or filing appeals with the Food Safety Appellate Tribunal or High Court.

Penalties for non-compliance include potential imprisonment and fines of up to Rs. 5 lakhs for operating a food business without a valid FSSAI license. Additionally, the FSS Act outlines criminal clauses prohibiting various offenses, such as trafficking unbranded food items, selling low-quality food products, and manufacturing unsafe food products, with fines ranging from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakhs, depending on the severity of the offense.

FSSAI License Validity and Renewal

Prior to commencing operations, every food business operator in India must obtain an FSSAI license or registration. It is crucial to renew the FSSAI license in a timely manner before its expiration. The validity of a food business operator’s license may range from one year to a maximum of five years, with registration costs varying based on the license duration. According to FSSAI regulations, operators must apply for renewal at least thirty days before the expiration of their current food license.

Penalty for FSSAI License Renewal:

Failure to submit the FSSAI renewal application (state and central) within the specified period may result in fines of Rs. 100 per day.

FAQs on FSSAI License/ FSSAI Registration in India:

What is the full form of FSSAI?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is full of FSSAI.

What are Benefits of FSSAI license?

Legal compliance, builds trust, opens market access, and helps business growth.

How to apply for FSSAI Licence?

Online on FoSCoS portal for registration. License may require consultation and FSSAI website guidance.

What are the Different Types of FSSAI Licenses?

FSSAI licenses are categorized into three types: Basic, State, and Central licenses, based on the scale of operations and turnover of the food business.

How do you get an FSSAI License online?

You can obtain an FSSAI license or registration by filing Form-A or Form-B on the FoSCoS portal.

How can I check FSSAI license renewal status?

Enter the FSSAI License Number, which is 14 digits, on the FoSCoS website. Select Verify Validity to obtain basic data. To Log in, you must enter your username and password. Obtain Information Regarding Your FSSAI License.

When can I use the FSSAI logo and license number?

When importing food items, the importer must put their name, address, license number, and the FSSAI, paste on a sticker that must be attached before customs clearance.

When is the FSSAI license registration certificate required?

FSSAI registration is required for all food businesses, either small or big.

What is the difference between an FSSAI certificate and an FSSAI license?

If you are a small FBO, you can get your FSSAI Registration, whereas medium-sized food business operators are required to obtain a license.

Is FSSAI License/Registration required for packaging material used in food packaging?

No, as utensils and packing materials do not come under the definition of food under Section 3(n) of the FSS Act of 2006, there is no need for an FSSAI license or Registration for them.

Can consultants or agents help with the FSSAI application process?

Yes, CertificationsBay is India's Leading consultant and can assist you with the application process of FSSAI License.

Can CertificationsBay help me obtain FSSAI License?

Yes, CertificationsBay can help you get FSSAI License.

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